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A recent version of short ‘BIO’



Aino Johansson is a multidisciplinary visual- and performing artist, a forest activist, curator and environmental educator, who is inspired by love, lichens, fairness (and fairies), interconnectedness and the indescribable. They convene, hold space, move, communicate and create. In their work she explores the relations of intimate experience, planetary states of our ecosystems, over generational trauma, practises of healing and different ways to connect with the nature that we are - through materiality, corporality and their immaterial, energetic and spiritual resonances. With their roots still deep in painting, she works mostly with performance and collective processes these days, and nerds enthusiatically on forest ecology and species.


Aino Johansson on monialainen kuva- ja esitystaiteilija, metsäaktivisti, kuraattori ja ympäristökasvattaja, jota inspiroi rakkaus, reiluus, jäkälät, haltioituminen, kytkeytyneisyys, sammalet ja sanoinkuvaamattomuus. Hän kutsuu koolle, kannattelee tilaa, liikkuu, kommunikoi ja luo. Taiteessaan hän tarkastelee ja kehollistaa intiimin kokemuksen ja planetaaristen ekosysteemien tilojen suhteita, ylisukupolvisia ja ylilajisia traumoja ja mahdollisuuksia palautumiseen, hoivaan sekä väyliä olla yhteydessä luontoon, jota olemme - materiaalisuuden, ruumiillisuuden ja niiden aineettomien, energiaperustaisten ja henkisten resonanssien kautta. Juuret syvällä maalaustaiteessa, hän työskentelee nykyhetkessä erityissti esitysten ja kollektivisten prosessien äärellä, intoillen metsäekologiasta ja metsien lajistosta.

Something longer:


Aino Johansson (hän/they/she) is a multidimensional and -disciplinary visual artist, performer, facilitator, curator, forest activist and enviromental educator.

Her practise and body of work includes painting, installation, sculpture, performance, bioart, theater and collective art praxis. She occasionally also visits the realm of video and sound and has been directing, doing dramaturgical work and performing in colleagues works. 

In her work she explores the relations of intimate experience, planetary states of our ecosystems, over generational and trans-species trauma, practises of care and healing, and different ways of connecting with the nature that we are - through materiality and corporality and their immaterial, energetic and spiritual resonances.

In addition to working solo she is part of and initiative of collectives and workgroups and invites people together in her own and collective works to experiment the interactive synergetic knitwork and possibilities for a more sustainable and deeper life and art.

Drawing inspiration from local pre-christian nature beliefs and heritage, she uses mostly found, received, personal, hoarded and recycled materials and has a sensitized relation to every material at hand. Exploring heightened states of sensing - creating and giving space to becomings is also central in her work.

She has been a part of a 10 year collaboration and cultural exchange between fennic-ugric artists from Russia and Finland.

She is at the moment focusing on conceptualising, curating, producing and excuting a collaborative project <<Maan>> Puolustusvoimat / <<Earth>> Forces. 

Another recent work in process is a series of works called Seen through wounds (Haavojen läpi nähtyä) , which explores trauma and possibilities of healing from trauma both in individual and collective and societal levels. The work is ongoing and includes art and research; installations, performances, paintings and collaborative multidisciplinary works and happenings. The name refers to the shape eyes and wounds have in common suggesting a vulnerability of the existence of all beings.

Her works have been exhibited in Finland, Russia, Sweden and Scotland.

Some key words:

multidisciplinary work
trauma-work, trauma-informed working methods
planetary beings and perceptions
sustainability and vanitas
life as holistic activism
shadow work
deep ecology
mystery of existence
mental health awareness